Chamorro Standard Time: Monday, January 20, 2025 - 08:46 AM




September 2017

State Energy Program Grant

U.S. Department of Energy has awarded federal dollars to the Guam Energy Office to continue implementing the State Energy Program formula grant starting October 1, 2017 and ending September 30, 2018.  The total amount of $203,880 is new funding to be used with carry-over money received in FY 2017.  Funds are allocated for operational costs to implement energy activities.

August 2017

A Report To Our Citizens

The Guam Energy Office posted the Fiscal Year 2016 Citizens Centric Report with Office of the Public Auditor as per Public Law 30-127 providing information on government operations and how taxpayers dollars are spent.  The Citizens Centric Report briefly addressed program performance and financial snapshot of the Guam Energy Office as well as challenges encountered and future outlooks for the following year.

July 2017

Guam WAP State Plan Hearing

The Guam Energy Office is holding a public hearing on July 3, 2017 for the public to comment on the Weatherization Assistance Program State Plan for Program Year 2016 in regards to federal grant funding to be awarded for WAP implementation from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018.  Copy of draft State Plan is available at the Guam Energy Office during working hours from June 19, 2017 to July 3, 2017.

May 2017

GPA to provide 40 megawatts with the assistance of Navy

The Guam Power Authority and Department of Navy signed an agreement on May 16, 2017 for a total of 164 acres of land of Navy-owned sites to be leased to generate 40 megawatts of solar for the island.  GPA would then contract with private partners for PV farms on the designated properties as part of GPA’s utility scale renewable project to further diversify the island’s energy resources.


April 2017

President’s Executive Order for America’s Offshore Energy Strategy

United States President Donald Trump has issued a policy to implement an Offshore Energy Strategy to encourage energy exploration and production in order to maintain the Nation’s position as a global energy leader and foster energy security and resilience for the benefit of the American people.  For more information, visit the White House at

April 2017

Tour to Dandan Solar Farm and Cotal Wind Turbine

The Guam Energy Office held another Energy Outreach Session on April 28, 2017 with the tour to GPA Renewable Projects down south as the main highlight. The Guam Energy Office provided buses to transport representatives from Government of Guam agencies, non-profit organizations, and outer-island governments to walk within the premises of the Solar Farm of GPA partnering with LNG to produce 25 megawatts online.


April 2017

Energy Outreach Session

The Guam Energy Office held an Energy Outreach Session on April 17, 2017 at the Westin Hotel for Government of Guam agencies and non-profit organizations to be familiarized with the energy programs locally available.  The Guam Energy Office provided power point presentation regarding the Weatherization Assistance Program for low-income households.  The Guam Power Authority provided power point presentations on GPA’s My Energy Portal and the Energy Sense Rebates for air-conditioning units, washers and dryers.

April 2017

PV Inspectors Training

The Guam Energy Office sponsored Photovoltaic Inspector Training conducted by Solar Energy International instructors on April 13, 2017.  The Inspector Training was design for GovGuam Officials to heighten their understanding and awareness of solar systems including electrical requirements for proper installation.

April 2017

PV 351 Tools and Techniques of Operations and Maintenance

The Guam Energy Office sponsored solar systems training conducted by Solar Energy International instructors from Colorado for electricians and PV installers.  This training consisted of a mixture of classroom presentations and hands-on testing on live systems.  Pre-requisite courses were required prior of taking PV 351.

March 2017

Presidential Executive Order to Promote Energy Independence

President Trump sets new policy to review existing regulations that burden the development or use of domestically produced energy resources.  For more information, visit the White House at

January 2017

President Trump provides a new Energy Plan

After being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, President Donald Trump provides America’s First Energy Plan that will free America from depending on foreign oil by maximizing the use of American resources.  For more information, visit the White House at

November 2016

Winners of the Poster and Essay Contest

The Guam Energy Office held an Awards Ceremony to recognize the winners of the Energy Poster and Essay Contest on November 22nd at the Pacific Star Hotel ballroom.  Out of the 401 Poster and Essay entries from 21 participating schools, Congratulations to the following:

Poster – Elementary School Category

First Place                                  Liam Padua                               Saint Anthony Catholic School

Second Place                            Angelina Blaz                            Bishop Baumgartner Memorial School

Third Place                                 Angelique Garcia                     Machananao Elementary School


Poster – Middle School Category

First Place                                  Angelica Poffenberger          Bishop Baumgartner Memorial School

Second Place                            Jasmine Pangelinan               Saint Anthony Catholic School

Third Place                                 Trinity Apatang                        Santa Barbara Catholic School



Essay – High School Category

First Place                                  Pilar Martin                              Academy of Our Lady of Guam

Second Place                            Arika Wada                               John F. Kennedy High School

Third Place                                 Donita Rose Nucum                St. Paul Christian School

November 2016

Small Businesses Access National Labs

The Guam Energy Office announced to Guam Chamber of Commerce, other business organizations, and the general public of the Small Business Vouchers (SBV) pilot program funded by the U.S. Department of Energy to access the national laboratories and collaborate with researchers or gain assistance from top engineers to address current problems and anticipated energy challenges.   The SBM amounts vary from $50,000 to $300,000 and for-profit business must be U.S. Based and owned, and must provide 20% matching funds or in-kind services with no more than 500 full-time employees worldwide.  Small businesses incorporated in any of the 50 States, U.S. Territories, Republic of Marshall islands, Republic of Palau, and Federal States of Micronesia were able to receive vouchers.   Interested small businesses were to contact David Kistin of Sandia laboratory for more information as to where to submit application.

October 2016

Energy Poster & Essay Contest

The Guam Energy Office officially announced to all public and private schools of its annual Energy Poster & Essay Contest by disseminating contest rules and entry forms to all schools island-wide.  Since sponsoring the Energy Poster & Essay Contest for several years, the Guam Energy Office has reviewed over 1,200 entries form students expressing their knowledge of energy efficiency and conserving solutions.  The Guam Energy Office kicks off with the local theme “Reduce Our Carbon Footprint – Reduce Fuel Consumption”  for the Energy Poster and Essay Contest summing up President Obama’s Proclamation to all join together to reduce carbon emissions, protect our environment, and leave a more resilient world for generations to come.

August 2016

Public Notice to Comment

A public hearing is scheduled for August 18, 2016 at the Guam Energy Office conference room from 10:00am to 11:30am for the purpose of receiving public comments on the proposed 2017 Guam Weatherization State Plan as part of the federal application to the U.S. Department of Energy.  Copies of the draft proposal is available at the office starting August 8 to August 17, 2016 between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Friday.  The public is welcome to attend and provide comments at the hearing.   For more information, contact the Guam Energy Office at 646-4361.

July 2016

Guam Tropical Energy Code Homeowners Series

The Guam Community College has partnered with the Guam Energy Office to host the Guam Tropical Energy Code Homeowners Workshop Series on July 22, 2016 and July 23, 2016 at the Westin Resort from 8am to 4pm.   Workshop series:  Introduction to Photovoltaics, Weatherproofing and Insulation & Energy-Saving Techniques, Government Incentives & Tax Credits for energy efficient homes.